আপুনি বাৰু Class 10 English Chapter 4 MCQ বা Class 10 English Madam Rides the Bus MCQ বিচাৰি আছে নেকি? তেন্তে চিন্তাৰ কোনো কাৰণ নাই, আজি আমি আপোনালোকৰ বাবে Class 10 English Madam Rides the Bus MCQ লৈ আহিছোঁ।
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Class 10 English Chapter 4 MCQ
1. What amused Valli the most?
(A) The sight of buffalo running in front of the bus. (B) The sight of people running in front of the bus. (C) The sight of a dog running in front of the bus. (D) The sight of a cow running in front of the bus.
Ans: (D) The sight of a cow running in front of the bus.
2. What did Valli do one fine spring day?
(A) Caught the bus to the town. (B) Caught the bus to the village. (C) Caught the car to the town. (D) Caught the car to the village.
Ans: (A) Caught the bus to the town.
3. What did Valli wish?
(A) Bus ride (B) Truck ride (C) Car ride (D) Cycle ride
Ans: (A) Bus ride
4. What was her favorite pastime?
(A) To stand at the front doorway and look into the street. (B) To stand at the front doorway and look at every passenger. (C) To stand at the back doorway and look at every passenger. (D) None of the Above
Ans: (A) To stand at the front doorway and look into the street.
5. What was the most fascinating scene for Valli in the street?
(A) The bus with a new set of curtains every time. (B) The bus with a new set of passengers every time. (C) The bus with a new driver every time. (D) The bus with a new conductor every time.
Ans: (B) The bus with a new set of passengers every time.
6. What can you tell about the conductor from the text?
(A) He was funny (B) He was grumpy (C) He was quiet (D) All of the above
Ans: (A) he was funny
7. What was the timing of the afternoon nap taken by Valli’s mother?
(A) 1 to 3 (C) 2 to 4 (B) 1 to 4 (D) 2 to 3
Ans: (B) 1 to 4
8. What saddened Valli?
(A) The dead cow (B) Car accident (C) The handicapped passenger (D) All of the above
Ans: (A) The dead cow
9. What does it tell you about Valli when she refused to accept the conductor’s treat?
(A) responsible (B) stubborn (C) rude (D) disrespectful
Ans: (A) responsible
10. What made her laugh on her journey?
(A) The sight of a running cow (B) The old woman’s earrings (C) The old man (D) None of the above
Ans: (A) the sight of a running cow
11. What did she have to resist on Village Fair Day to save for the ride?
(A) Balloons (B) Merry-go-round mat (C) Toys (D) Peppermint
Ans: (B) Merry go round
12. Why did Valli find the woman repulsive?
(A) she had large piercings in her ears (B) she wore ugly earrings
(C) she was chewing betel nut which could spill out any moment (D) all of the above
Ans: (D) all of the above
13. What did the old man say to Valli that annoyed her?
(A) He shouted at her (B) He asked why she was alone YUM (C) He merely asked her to sit (D) None of the above
Ans: (C) He merely asked her to sit
14. How did she pick up small details about the bus journey?
(A) listening to conversations of neighbors (B) asking a few discreet questions (C) All of the above (D) None of the above
Ans: (C) All of the above
15. “Valli would stare wistfully at the people who got on or off the bus.” What is the meaning of wistfully?
(A) fearfully (C) willingly (B) carefully (D) longingly
Ans: (D) longingly
16. How many times did the bus cross
her street per hour?
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 6
Ans: (B) 2
17. What was Valli’s age?
(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 9 (D) None of these
Ans: (B) 8
18. Who is the author of the lesson”Madam rides the Bus”?
(A) Gavin Maxwell (B) Vallikkannan (C) Paulo Coehlo (D) Arup Kumar Dutta
Ans: (B) Vallikkannan
19. How much money did Valli pay for her to and fro journey?
(A) Fifty paise (B) Sixty paise (C) Seventy paise (D) Hundred paise
Ans: (B) Sixty paise
20. What did the conductor offer, Valli, at the bus stop in the town?
(A) Water (B) Soft Drink (C) Pizza (D) Burger
Ans: (B) Soft Drink
21. What did the conductor call, Valli?
(A) Cute Girl (B) Madam (C) First Passenger (D) None of the Above
Ans: (B) Madam
22. How did she collect information about the bus?
(A) By checking the bags of passengers every time. (B) By asking some discreet questions. (C) By checking the luggage of passengers every time.(D) None of the Above
Ans: (B) By asking some discreet questions.
23. Who was Valliammai?
(A) Eight-year-old girl (B) Nine-year-old boy (C) Ten-year-old boy (D) Eleven-year-old boy
Ans: (A) Eight-year-old girl
24. What was the one-way fare from the village to the town?
(A) one rupee (B) 50 paise (C) 40 paise (D) 30 paise
Ans: (D) 30 paise
25. Who was a “real chatterbox”?
(A) Valli (B) Conductor (C) Her aunt (D) All of the above
Ans: (C) Her aunt
26. Why did Valli not get off the bus for sightseeing?
(A) She was afraid (B) She didn’t want to (C) She didn’t have the time (D) She didn’t like the city
Ans: (A) She was afraid
27. What was the next challenge once she’d saved enough money?
(A) Tell her mom about it (B) Know about the timings (C) Buy a ticket (D) To sneak out of the house
Ans: (D) To sneak out of the house
28. Why did the old lady ask Vali so many questions?
(A) She was bothered about Valli (B) She liked Valli (C) She was poking her nose (D) She was bored
Ans: (A) she was bothered about Valli
29. “Valli found the woman absolutely repulsive”. What do you mean by “repulsive”?
(A) Causing strong dislike (B) Showing displeasure (C) Extremely attractive (D) Admirable
Ans: (A) Causing strong dislike
30. Why did Valli stand up?
(A) She wanted to enjoy the ride (B) She wasn’t able to look outside properly (C) She liked standing (D) She was tired of sitting
Ans: (B) She wasn’t able to look outside properly
31. What would make Valli jealous?
(A) Strangers traveling by bus (B) Hearing stories of her friend’s bus journey (C) Her mother traveling the bus (D) All of the above
Ans: (B) Hearing stories of her friend’s bus journey
32. What was her overwhelming desire?
(A) To have friends (B) To travel by bus (C) To top the class (D) None of these
Ans: (B) To travel by bus
33. What was Valli’s full name?
(A) Vallikkannan (B) Valliammai (C) Valliannai (D) Vallikannam
Ans: (B) Valliammai