[2001 – 2022] Class 12 Tense Correction for Final Exam

আপুনি যদি AHSEC ৰ অধীনস্থ Assamese Medium Class 12 ত পঢ়ি আছে আৰু নিজকে আগন্তুক HS Final Exam 2024 ৰ বাবে প্ৰস্তুত কৰি আছে তেন্তে English Grammar ৰ Class 12 Tense Correction এক বিশেষ ধৰণৰ সহায় কৰিব পৰীক্ষাত ভাল নম্বৰ লাভ কৰিবলৈ।

ইয়াৰ আগতে আমি আপোনালোকৰ বাবে English Grammar ৰ বহু অধ্যায় আলোচনা কৰিছো, আপুনি বিচাৰিলে তলত দিয়া লিংকত ক্লিক কৰি পঢ়িব পাৰে।

শিক্ষাৰ মাধ্যম English নতুবা Assamese Medium য়েই হওক, আপুনি কিন্তু Class 12 Tense Correction পঢ়িবই লাগিব।

আমি অতি কষ্ট কৰি 2001 চনৰ পৰা 2023 চনলৈকে HS Final Exam ত সুধা যিমান Class 12 Tense Correction আছে তাৰ সমাধান আপোনালোকৰ বাবে লৈ আহিছোঁ।

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2022

(a) She (talk) to her neighbour when the baby began to cry.
Ans: She was talking to her neighbour when the baby began to cry.

(b) I (see) him a week ago.
Ans: I saw him a week ago.

(c) If you (try) hard you would have succeeded.
Ans: If you had tried hard you would have succeeded.

(d) We reached the station after the train (leave).
Ans: We reached the station after the train had left.

(e) He (make) a doll now.
Ans: He is making a doll now.
Or He will make a doll now.

(f) I wish I (were) a bird.
Ans: I wish I were a bird.


g) I (do) a lot of work today.
Ans: I did a lot of work today. Or
I have done a lot of work today.

(h) She (come) here the day after tomorrow.
Ans: She will come here the day after tomorrow.

(i) She (read) the novel for the last three days.
Ans: She has been reading the novel for the last three days.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2021

ক’ৰনাৰ বাবে ২০২১ চনত অসমত HS Final Exam হোৱা নাছিল।

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2020

a. My brother (practise) law these days.
Ans: My brother practises law these days.

b. The patient (die) before the doctor reached.
Ans: The patient had died before the doctor reached.

c. You (sleep) when I entered the room.
Ans: You were sleeping when I entered the room.


d. She (come) here the day after tomorrow.
Ans: She will come here the day after tomorrow.

e. They (win) the match.
Ans: They have won the match. Or They won the match. Or They will win the match.
f. We (visit) the Tajmahal last year.
Ans: We visited the Tajmahal last year

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2019

a. I met him while (go) to his office.
Ans: I met him while going to his office.

b. They (live) in this place since 1970.
Ans: They have been living in this place since 1970.

c. The train (leave) before I reached the station.
Ans: The train had left before I reached the station.


d. I wish I (be) a bird!
Ans: I wish I were a bird.

e. Your letter (reach) me yesterday.
Ans: Your letter reached me yesterday.

f. He (make) a doll now.
Ans: He is making a doll now.
Or He will make a doll now.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2018

a. He (work) here since 2011.
Ans: He has been working here since 2011.

b. I (write) the letter last night.
Ans: I wrote the letter last night.

c. He (sit) in the library when I saw him.
Ans: I was sitting in the library when I saw him.


d. If I were you, I (not do) it.
Ans: If I were you, I would not do it.

e. The First World War (last) for four years and ended in 1918.
Ans: The First World War lasted for four years and ended in 1999.

g. The rubbish van (come) again in the afternoon tomorrow.
Ans: The rubbish van will come again in the afternoon tomorrow.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2017

a. Recently the price of petrol (go) up.
Ans: Recently the price of petrol has gone up.
Or Recently the price of petrol went up.

b. I (do) a lot of work today.
Ans: I did a lot of work today.
Or I have done a lot of work today.

c. The train (leave) before we reached the station.
Ans: The train had left before we reached the station.

d. I wish my brother (be) here.
Ans: I wish my brother were here.

e. As he (cross) the road a bus knocked him down.
Ans: As he was crossing the road, a bus knocked him down.

f. I (think) of going abroad for quite sometime.
Ans: I thought of going abroad for quite some time.

g. This paper (appear) twice a week.
Ans: This paper appears twice a week.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2016

a. We (do) our lessons when the lights went out.
Ans: We were doing our lessons when the lights went out.

b. I usually (go) to bed at 11 O’clock.
Ans: I usually go to bed at 11 O’clock.

c. All the answers to the questions (be) wrong.
Ans: All the answers to the questions are wrong.
Or All the answers to the questions were wrong.

d. He (sit) in the library when I saw him.
Ans: He was sitting in the library when I saw him.

e. Your letter (reach) me yesterday.
Ans: Your letter reached me yesterday.

f. I (wait) for you since morning.
Ans: I have been waiting for you since morning.

g. Football (play) everywhere in the world.
Ans: Football is played everywhere in the world.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2015

a. I usually (go) to bed at 10 O’clock.
Ans: I usually go to bed at 11 O’clock.

b. The teacher (know) the boy was lying.
Ans: The teacher knew that the boy was lying.

c. He (work) here since 2009.
Ans: He has been working here since 2009

d. When I reached the station, the train (leave)
Ans: When I reached the station, the train had left.
Or When I reached the station, the train was leaving.

e. I (go) to Delhi tomorrow.
Ans: I shall go to Delhi tomorrow.
Or I am going to Delhi tomorrow.

f. I (write) an essay now.
Ans: I am writing an essay now.

g. When I went to her house, she (sing) a song.
Ans: When I went to her house, she was singing a song.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2014

a. I wish I (know) her.
Ans: I wish I knew her.

b. The meeting (begin) when we arrived at the auditorium.
Ans: The meeting had begun when we arrived at the auditorium.

c. The First World War (last) for four years and ended in 1918.
Ans: The First World War lasted for four years and ended in 1918.

d. As soon as I came in she (leave) the room.
Ans: As soon as I came in, she left the room.

e. I usually (go) to bed at 11 O’clock.
Ans: I usually go to bed at 11 O’clock.

f. To hate man (be) the biggest crime.
Ans: To hate man is the biggest crime.

g. Please stop singing because I (try) to work.
Ans: Please stop singing because I am trying to work.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2013

a. Ice (float) on water.
Ans: Ice floats on water.

b. He (go) home when we met him.
Ans: He was going home when we met him.

c. I want to go for a walk, but I (not finish) my work yet.
Ans: I want to go for a walk but I have not finished my work yet.

d. Perhaps it (rain) yesterday.
Ans: Perhaps it rained yesterday.

e. All the students (leave) when I reached the school.
Ans: All the students were leaving when I reached the station.
Or All the students had left when I reached the station.

f. You (sleep) for three hours now.
Ans: You have been sleeping for three hours now.

g. We (walk) for two hours at a stretch and now we need to rest.
Ans: We have walked for two hours at a stretch and now we need to rest.
Or We have been walking for two hours at a stretch and now we need to rest.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2012

2012 চনত অনুষ্ঠিত হোৱা HS Final Exam ত কোনো ধৰণৰ Tense Correction সুধা নাছিল।

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2011

(a) I (be) in Delhi since 2008.
Ans: I have been in Delhi since 2008.

(b) If he (start) in time, he would have missed the train.
Ans: If he had started in time, he would not have missed the train.

(c) Had I been a bird, I (fly) then and there.
Ans: Had I been a bird, I would have flown then and there.

(d) We (go) to cinema this afternoon as we have got the tickets.
Ans: We shall go to cinema this afternoon as we have got the tickets.
Or We are going to cinema this afternoon as we have got the tickets.

(e) It (go) to rain now.
Ans: It is going to rain now.

(f) We (not see) Ratul for many years.
Ans: We have not seen Ratul for many years.

(g) He (come) in an hour.
Ans: He will come in an hour.

(h) When I went to meet him, he (read) a book.
Ans: When I went to meet him, he was reading a book.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2010

(a) The train (start) at nine every morning.
Ans: The train starts at nine every morning.

(b) They (go) to watch a movie tonight.
Ans: They will go to watch a movie tonight.
Or They are going to watch a movie tonight.

(c) The boy (sleep), don’t disturb him.
Ans: The boy is sleeping, don’t disturb him.

(d) I (work) on this project for the last two years.
Ans: I have been working on this project for the last two years.

(e) When we went to him, he (teach) his students.
Ans: When we went to him, he was teaching his students.

(f) He (kill) in the battle last year.
Ans: He was killed in the battle last year.

(g) They (reach) home before it grew dark.
Ans: They had reached home before it grew dark.

(h) If I had been you, I (not agree) to the proposal.
Ans: If I had been you, I would not have agreed to the proposal.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2009

(a) You ever (be) to Delhi?
Ans: Have you ever been to Delhi?

(b) The baby (cry) because it is hungry.
Ans: The baby is crying because it is hungry.

(c) We reached the station after the train (leave).
Ans: We reached the station after the train had left.

(d) She usually (go) to bed at 10 PM.
Ans: She usually goes to bed at 10 PM.

(e) We (not see) Rahul for several months.
Ans: We have not seen Rahul for several months.

(f) My brother (suffer) from fever since last monday.
Ans: My brother has been suffering from fever since last monday.

(g) If I had been you, I (not agree) to the proposal.
Ans: If I had been you, I would not have agreed to the proposal.

(h) When I went there, she (cook) food.
Ans: When I went there, she was cooking food.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2008

(a) Mr. Saikia (leave) for Delhi last Friday.
Ans: Mr. Saikia left for Delhi last Friday.

(b) As he (cross) the road, a car knocked him down.
Ans: As he was crossing the road, a car knocked him down.

(c) She (be) in London since 1990.
Ans: She has been in London since 1990.

(d) It was very cold this morning, but the sun (shine) now.
Ans: It was very cold this morning, but the sun is shining now.

(e) He suddenly realised that he (leave) the purse in the bus.
Ans: He suddenly realised that he had left the purse in the bus.

(f) He behaved as though he (be) a king.
Ans: He behaved as though he were a king.

(g) He (visit) many towns before he returned home.
Ans: He had visited many towns before he returned home.

(h) If he (come) I shall not go out.
Ans: If he comes I shall not go out.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2007

(a) He usually (go) to bed at 10 PM.
Ans: He usually goes to bed at 10 PM.

(b) She (read) a novel when I went to their home.
Ans: She was reading a novel when I went to their home.

(c) He (kill) in the battle last year.
Ans: He was killed in the battle last year.

(d) I reached the place after he (leave).
Ans: I reached the place after he had left.

(e) You (wash) your hands before every meal?
Ans: Do you wash your hands before every meal?

(f) I wish I (be) a king.
Ans: I wish I were a king.

(g) He (stay) here until you return.
Ans: He will stay here until you return.

(h) If it (rain), I shall not go out.
Ans: If it rains, I shall not go out.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2006

(a) I (see) him a week ago.
Ans: I saw him a week ago.

(b) If the baby is a girl, we (go) to call her Radha.
Ans: If the baby is a girl, we are going to call her Radha.

(c) He (fly) a kite.
Ans: He is flying a kite.

(d) We (not see) Padma for several months.
Ans: We have not seen Padma for several months.

(e) It (rain) since early morning.
Ans: It has been raining since early morning.

(f) I (buy) a new bicycle last week.
Ans: I bought a new bicycle last week.

(g) If you (try) hard, you would have succeeded.
Ans: If you had tried hard, you would have succeeded.

(h) I assure that I (help) you.
Ans: I assure that I shall help you.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2005

(a) The baby (cry) because it is hungry.
Ans: The baby is crying because it is hungry.

(b) He (kill) in the battle last year.
Ans: He was killed in the battle last year.

(c) We reached the station after the train (leave).
Ans: We reached the station after the train had left.

(d) As he (cross) the road, a car knocked him down.
Ans: As he was crossing the road, a car knocked him down.

(e) She (be) in Delhi since 1990.
Ans: She has been in Delhi since 1990.

(f) If you (try) hard, you would have succeeded.
Ans: If you had tried hard, you would have succeeded.

(g) He behaved as though he (be) mad.
Ans: He behaved as though he were mad.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2004

(a) You (enjoy) your English class today?
Ans: Did you enjoy your English class today? Or Have you enjoyed your English class today?

(b) My aunt Jane (hate) girls who made up.
Ans: My aunt Jane hated girls who made up.

(c) How often you (go) to the theatre when you were in London?
Ans: How often did you go to the theatre when you were in London?

(d) You ever (be) to London?
Ans: Have you ever been to London?

(e) We already (have) breakfast.
Ans: We already have had breakfast.

(f) John (pass) the post-office on his way to work every day.
Ans: John passes the post-office on his way to work every day.

(g) She (talk) to her neighbour when the baby began to cry.
Ans: She was talking to her neighbour when the baby began to cry.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2003

(a) I (have) my hair cut whenever it gets too long.
Ans: I have my hair cut whenever it gets too long.

(b) You (play) with dolls when you were a little girl?
Ans: Did you play with dolls when you were a little girl?

(c) They just (arrive) from New York.
Ans: They have just arrived from New York.

(d) We wait on the platform since three O’clock.
Ans: We have been waiting on the platform since three O’clock.

(e) The water in the pond (freeze) last night.
Ans: The water in the pond froze last night.

(f) You ever (read) ‘War and Peace’?
Ans: Have you ever read ‘War and Peace’?

(g) Wood always (float).
Ans: Wood always floats.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2002

(a) I (know) him for a long time.
Ans: I have known him for a long time.

(b) The light went out while I (read) a newspaper.
Ans: The light went out while I was reading a newspaper.

(c) I (write) the letter before he arrived.
Ans: I had written the letter before he arrived.

(d) They (play) since four O’clock.
Ans: They have been playing since four O’clock.

(e) I shall telephone you when he (come) back.
Ans: I shall telephone you when he comes back.

(f) If I weren’t so tired, I (go) for a walk with you.
Ans: If I weren’t so tired, I would go for a walk.

(g) Many people (kill) in the last World War.
Ans: Many people were killed in the last World War.

Class 12 Tense Correction Final Exam 2001

(a) Mr. Sharma (leave) for Europe last Friday.
Ans: Mr. Sharma left for Europe last Friday.

(b) The train (start) at nine O’clock each morning.
Ans: The train starts at nine O’clock each morning.

(c) Ram went out after he (lock) the door.
Ans: Ram went out after he had locked the door.

(d) He behaved as though he (be) mad.
Ans: He behaved as though he were mad.

(e) Amal (do) this work for six months.
Ans: Amal has been doing this work for six months.

(f) They (go) to the theater tonight.
Ans: They will go to the theater tonight. Or They are going to the theater tonight.

(g) He (stay) here until you return.
Ans: He will stay here until you return.

শেষ বাক্য

এতিয়ালৈকে আমি আলোচনা কৰি আছিল Class 12 Tense Correction আৰু ইয়াত আমি আপোনালোকৰ বাবে 2001 চনৰ পৰা 2022 চনলৈকে Class 12 Final Exam ত সুধা সকলো Tense Correction আলোচনা কৰিলোঁ।

অনিচ্ছাকৃত ভুলসমূহ শুধৰাই দিব বুলি আশা ৰাখিলোঁ লগতে আন আন ছাত্ৰ ছাত্ৰীৰ সহায়ৰ বাবে Share কৰিব।


ৰসায়ন বিজ্ঞানত স্নাতক ডিগ্ৰী, ব্যক্তিগত বিদ্যালয়ত শিক্ষক হিচাপে কাম কৰাৰ লগতে Assamese Medium ত CEO যিয়ে সকলো বিষয়ৰ লিখনিসমূহ চোৱাচিতা কৰে।

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