Class 9 English The Sound of Music Question Answer

আপুনি যদি SEBA Class 9 English The Sound of Music Question Answer বা NCERT Class 9 English The Sound of Music Question Answer বিচাৰি আছে, তেন্তে এই লিংকত ক্লিক কৰক আৰু আপুনি SEBA Class 9 English The Sound of Music Question Answer PDF Notes অতি সহজেই ডাউনলোড কৰক।

যদি আপোনাৰ SEBA Class 9 English The Sound of Music PDF Note ডাউনলোড কৰাৰ ইচ্ছা নাই কিন্তু Class 9 English The Sound of Music পঢ়িব বিচাৰে তথাপিও কোনো অসুবিধা নোহোৱাকৈ পঢ়িব পাৰিব।

SEBA Class 9 English The Sound of Music Question Answer 2024

আমি আজি আপোনালোকৰ বাবে Assamese Medium নামৰ এই শিক্ষামূলক ৱেবছাইটৰ জৰিয়তে Class 9 English The Sound of Music Question Answer লৈ আহিছোঁ, যিয়ে আপোনাক পৰীক্ষাৰ বাবে বহুত সহায় কৰিব।

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Class 9 English The Sound of Music Question Answer

Important MCQ for Final Exam

1. Evelyn’s mother realised something was wrong with her hearing when

(a) Evelyn’s name was called to play the piano and she did not move.
(b) Evelyn could not play the piano.
(c) Evelyn was twelve years old.
(d) Evelyn’s principal complained to her parents about her performance.
Ans. (a) Evelyn’s name was called to play the piano and she did not move.

2. Rob Forbes advised Evelyn Glennie to
(a) Try and practice playing the drums.
(b) Work hard to achieve her dream of becoming a musician.
(c) Try to sense music in some other way rather than depending on her ears.
(d) Give up her dream of becoming a musician.
Ans: (c) Try to sense music in some other way rather than depend on her ears

3. In 1991 Evelyn was presented with the
(a) Percussionist Of The Year Award.
(b) Padma Vibhushan.
(c) Golden Girl Award.
(d) Soloist Of The Year Award.
Ans: (d) Soloist Of The Year Award.

4. Evelyn’s hearing was impaired because of
(a) gradual nerve damage.
(b) a childhood accident.
(c) a birth defect.
(d) loud noise.
Ans: (a) gradual nerve damage.

5) ……….she felt the vibration of the approaching….
(i) storm.
(ii) train.
(iii) earthquake.
Answer: (ii) train.

6) Evelyn was a teenager fresh from a…….
(i) Scottish farm.
(ii) London school.
(iii) Irish farm.
Answer: (i) Scottish farm.


7) Evelyn’s loss of hearing has been……
(i) Sudden.
(ii) quick.
(iii) gradual.
Answer: (iii) gradual.

8) Isabel glenie was Evelyn’s….
(i) teacher.
(ii) mother.
(iii) nurse.
Answer: (ii) Mother.

9) Ron Forbess was a…….
(i) singer.
(ii) percussionist.
(iii) dancer.
Answer: (ii) percussionist.

10) Evelyn confesses that she is something of a……
(i) workaholic.
(ii) musician.
(iii) singer.
Answer: (i) workaholic.

11) ………people who look to Evelyn and say….
(i) What she cannot do. I can.
(ii) What I can not do, she can.
(iii) If she can do it, I can.
Answer: (iii) If she can do it, I can.


12) Evelyn is a shining inspiration for…….
(i) blind children.
(ii) dumb children.
(iii) deaf children.
Answer: (iii) deaf children.

Q.2. Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the alternative given below:

(a) ……..crowds jostle for position. (push/roughly/ lie down/ hit each other).
Answer: push roughly.

(b) I suddenly realised……. (felt/ understood/ comprehend).
Answer: Understood.

Textual Question Answer

Answer these questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each

1. How old was Evelyn when she went to the Royal Academy of Music?
Ans: Evelyn was seventeen years old when she went to the Royal Academy of Music.


2. When was her deafness first noticed? When was it confirmed?
Ans: Evelyn’s mother Isabel noticed something wrong with her daughter at the age of eight, when while waiting to play the piano, Evelyn did not respond to her name being called. Evelyn’s deafness was confirmed at the age of eleven years.

Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (30-40 words)

1. Who helped her to continue with music? What did he do and say?
Ans: Ron Forbes, a percussionist himself, noticed Evelyn’s talent and helped her continue with music.

He tuned two large drums to different notes and asked Evelyn to try and sense their sound in some other way, rather than try to listen through her ears. He thus made her realise that she could feel the higher drum from the waist up and the lower one from the waist down, and also that she could sense different notes in different parts of her body. Thus Ron Forbes taught her to feel sound by her mind and body rather than by her ears.

2. Name the various places and causes for which Evelyn performs.
Ans: Evelyn performs at regular concerts and often goes on international tours, having a very hectic schedule. She gives high priority to classes for young musicians. Evelyn also gives free concerts in prisons and hospitals. Evelyn is a shining inspiration for the handicapped who are charged with confidence by her perseverance and success.

Answer the question in two or three paragraphs (100-150 words)

1. How does Evelyn hear music?
Ans: Evelyn hears music through the vibrations of each individual instrument, made by it while producing different notes. Different parts of her body sense the different notes and their vibrations. She says that she can feel the music pouring in through every part of her body. It makes her skin, hair and even cheekbones tingle.

Usually while giving performances and during playing, Evelyn stands barefoot on a wooden platform, so that the vibrations can pass through her feet up her legs. When she plays the xylophone she can sense the sound passing up the stick into her fingers. And by leaning against the drums during playing them, Evelyn can feel the resonances flowing into her body. Thus sensing the music through the sensations created by the instruments helps Evelyn ‘hear’ music and play it flawlessly.

Answer the following questions

1. Who was Evelyn’s mother? When did she first notice Evelyn’s deafness?
Ans: Isabel Glennie was Evelyn’s mother. Isabel first noticed Evelyn’s hearing problem at the age of eight years, when while waiting to play the piano, Evelyn did not respond to her name being called.

2. Which school of music did Evelyn attend and for how many years?
Ans: Evelyn Glennie attended the Royal School of Music in London for three years from the age of seventeen.

3. When was Evelyn’s deafness confirmed?
Ans: Evelyn’s deafness was confirmed at the age of eleven years when her parents took her to a specialist.

4. Why did Evelyn’s parents take her to a specialist?
Ans: Evelyn had hearing problems right from the tender age of eight. However, she managed to conceal this fact from her friends and teachers. But by the age of eleven, her problem caused her grades to deteriorate and her headmistress urged her parents to look into the problem. Following her headmistress’s suggestion her parents took her to a specialist.

5. What was the cause of Evelyn’s hearing problems? Or, What had caused Evelyn to lose her sense of sound?
Ans: Gradual nerve damage had led to Evelyn gradually losing her sense of sound.

6. What suggestion was given to Evelyn’s parents after her hearing problem was confirmed?
Ans: When it was discovered that gradual nerve damage had resulted in severe impairment of Evelyn’s ability to hear, it was suggested to her parents that she be fitted with hearing aids and sent to a school for the deaf.

7. What was Evelyn’s reaction to her problem?
Ans: After getting to know about her hearing problem, Evelyn refused to let her disability rule her world and was firm in her resolution to lead a normal life. She decided not to give up and was determined to continue pursuing her love for music.

8. When and how did Evelyn realise she could ‘feel’ music?
Ans: Evelyn realised she could ‘feel’ music when percussionist Ron Forbes spotted her talent and came up to help her pursue her interest in music.

Forbes tuned two large drums to different notes and asked her to sense the music in some way other than by listening through her ears. Evelyn realised that she could sense certain notes in different parts of her body. She could feel the vibrations emanating from the higher drum from the waist up while at the same time, she felt the lower drum from her waist down. Thus it was this and other exercises that Ron Forbes came up with that helped Evelyn to ‘feel’ music.

9. Who is a percussionist?
Ans: A percussionist is a person who can play percussion instruments. Percussion instruments are those that produce sound on being struck. They include drums, tabla, piano, xylophone, cymbal, triangle etc.

10. Which languages Evelyn knows?
Ans: Other than having mastered the language of music, Evelyn has learnt to converse fluently in English, French and also basic Japanese.

11. Who is James Blade? What does he have to say about Evelyn Glennie and her talent?
Ans: James Blade is a world-renowned master percussionist much like Evelyn Glennie herself.

He speaks highly of Evelyn Glennie and her talent. He is of the opinion that God might have taken her hearing but in turn, he has given her something extraordinary. Blade says that the fact that Evelyn can feel far more deeply what the rest of us only hear, allows her to express music so very beautifully.

12. What does Ann Richlin have to say about Evelyn Glennie?
Ans: Ann Richin calls Evelyn Glennie as a ‘shining inspiration for deaf children’. She believes Evelyn has made it possible for such children to believe in themselves and their abilities.

In Reference to the Context

“It tingles in the skin, my cheekbones and even in my hair.”

(a) Who says these words?
Ans: The speaker of the above-quoted sentence is Evelyn Glennie.

(b) What is the ‘it’ referred to here?
Ans: ‘It’ is the above-given sentence that refers to music.

(c) Give the adjective form of the word ‘tingle’.
Ans: Tingly.

“It was her first day at the prestigious Royal Academy of Music in London… But this aspiring musician faced a bigger challenge than most…”

(a) Who is the ‘aspiring musician’ referred to here?
Ans: The ‘aspiring musician’ referred to here is Evelyn Glennie, a noted percussionist.

(b) What big challenge did this aspiring musician’ face?
Ans: The big challenge that Evelyn faced was that she was deaf, a huge difficulty considering the fact that she desired to become a musician, an art which primarily involves the sense of hearing.

(c) How does she overcome her challenge?
Ans: Evelyn overcame the challenge of being a deaf musician by deciding to feel the music rather than depend on listening to it, advice given to her by percussionist Ron Forbes. Evelyn taught herself to open her mind and body to sounds and vibrations And through sheer hard work and determination, she has. become percussionists of repute.

“God may have taken her hearing but he has given her back something extraordinary”.

(a) Who says this and of whom?
Ans: Master percussionist, James Blades, says this of Evelyn Glennie.

(b) What is the ‘extraordinary’ gift he is talking of?
Ans: James Blades is referring to Evelyn’s extraordinary ability to feel music much more deeply than we hear or feel, enabling her to express music beautifully.

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ওপৰত আপুনি যদি Class 9 English The Sound of Music Question Answer গোটেইখিনি পঢ়িছে, তেন্তে ইচ্ছা কৰিলে এতিয়া আপুনি তলত দিয়া লিংকত ক্লিক কৰি Class 9 English The Sound of Music Question Answer PDF Notes ডাউনলোড কৰিব পাৰে। ইয়াৰ ওপৰিও যদি আপুনি Class 9 English The Sound of Music Summary পঢ়িব খোজে তেন্তে তলত দিয়া ইউটিউব ভিদিও চাব পাৰে।

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